You climb into your box, and look out upon the Sea of Bed. What's this? There is something [[shiny|Seaofbed]] in the water! Where will you go today? North, toward the Pillow Hills? Or perhaps south, [[toward the Sea's Edge|Edge]]?
This space intentionally left blank.
You begin the ascent to the top of your Tower of Power. Suddenly, [[The Hand|Hand]] appears! Will you [[swat it with your cute little paws|either("Paws","Pawsfail")]]? Or bite at it with your kitty fangs?
Oh no! The Hand has stopped making the Shining Glowy Box change colors, and it's trying to stop you from your [[climb to glory|Top]]!
<<silently>>\n<<set $bottle_caps = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>You are Bruce, lord of Kitties. You look out upon your domain, and contemplate your next move. You could go [[sailing in your box|Box]], or you could [[climb the Tower of Power|Top]].
You miss your strike and the Hand moves in, touching the back of your head... oh how you hate that! Retreat! [[RETREAT!!!|Top]]
As you reach the Edge of the World you notice your box is being pulled toward oblivion by the current of a waterfall! Just as you are reaching the edge, you notice a ledge. Using your amazing kitty-cat jumping prowess, you leap onto the ledge at the last second!
Bruce Adventure
by thecheddarman and YOU!
You strike it with swiftness - a great hit! You hear a booming voice from the sky "Owww!" and the hand retreats. After briefly playing with the Invinceable Shoelaces to celebrate your victory, you continue on your journey. Finally you reach the [[Top of the T.O.P!|Topoftop]]
As youre floating on the sea of bed, you spot something floating in the water. you fish it out. It's a bottle cap! This may come in handy...\n<<set $bottle_caps = $bottle_caps + 1>>\nYou [[return your attention to the sea|Box]].\nBottlecaps: <<print $bottle_caps>>\n